Thursday, February 26, 2004

Should I stay or should I go?

E o dia 'e hoje!

Hoje vou receber a resposta se posso ficar na homestay ateh segunda ou se vou me juntar aos sem-teto esse fim-de-semana.
Jah comecei a ver albergues/hotel/qquer treco mas acho q nao terei problemas em ficar na casa...

Veremos oq acontece

And the day will be today :P (I'm not sure if this expression works in English. Anyway...)

Today I'll receive the answer if I could stay in the homestay until monday or if i'll need to join the homeless this weekend.
I already started looking for some hostel/hotel/anywhere but I think that I'll have no problems to stay in the house...

Let's see what happen.

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