Sunday, February 29, 2004

Real last post

Nossa, meu "ultimo post do Canada" tah longe :P
Tenho andado muito estes dias... soh passeando, indo pra lugares diferentes...
Ontem fui prah Grandville Island! Lugar legal e completamente diferente.
Eh uma ilhota com varias lojas e o mercado publico...
O mercado eh similar ao Mercadao em Sampa, mas nao eh a mesma coisa... Eles nao tem as mesmas "cores" que nos temos e o mais importante:
Eles nao tem o papo com os vendedores :(

Compra do dia: um puck ("bola de jogar ice hockey). Agora quando quiser jogar hockey jah tenho o puck!
Quase esqueci de dizer, ontem num Internet cafe o cara me disse:
"Oque? Voce nao eh canadense?"
Legal :)

Wow, my "last post from Canada" is far :P
I've been walking a lot those days... just looking around, going to different places...
Yesterday I went to Grandville Island! A nice place, and completely different.
Is a small isle with lots of stores and a public market...
The market is similar to Sao Paulo's public market, but it's not the same... they don't have the "colors" that we have, and the most important:
They don't have the pleaseant chat with the vendors :(

Buy of the day: a puck! Now anytime I want to play Ice hockey I already have the puck!\
I almost forgot to say, yesterday I heard this from the guy on the Internet cafe:
"What? Aren't you a Canadian??"
Nice :)

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