Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Holambra - Expoflora

Outro final de semana em Holambra mas desta vez estava na Expoflora.
Este é o evento mais importante da cidade e tenho que dizer, é uma ótima festa! É engraçado pq imaginei que, devido ao nome, flores e coisas afins estariam em todos os expositors MAS (e isso foi surpreendente) não ais que 10% da feira eram flores em exposição. Comida, muito dela, artesanato e até aqueles eltrônicos paraguaios eram vendidos lá, normalmente com algo referente a flores ou a Holanda.
Depois de 5 horas de danças holandesas, comida, música, comida and algumas compras um momento especial: "Chuva de pétalas" - tão bacana que esqueci de fotografar " :-P

Depois disso, show da família Lima... É estranho dizer mas eu gostei! SIM fizeram umas baita versões rock n'roll de músicas clássicas, e versões clássicas de rocks, além de clássicos clássicas - tudo muito bacana e bem humorado. Só estraga a parted as músicas próprias heheheh

Another weekend in Holambra but this time I was in the Expoflora.
This is the most important event for this town and I have to say that this is a really nice party! It's funny cause, due to its name, I'd say that the flowers and other "correlated" things would be in all expositors BUT (and that was a big surprise) not most than 10% of them were selling flowers. Food, a lot of it, handmade things and even those cheap-and-stupid electronic stuff were sold there, usually with something about flowers or Holland.

After 5 hours of Holland's dance, food, music, food and some shopping the special moment: "Petals rain" - a very interesting moment, so nice that I forgot to take a pic :-P
After that a "Lima's Family" show. They're quite famous in Brasil but I never liked them, maybe because they try to make the classical music more popular and some popular music more classical... well, The important thing is that I really liked the show! They're much more "rock n' roll" now having a drum all the time on the stage and doing great versions of classics... Resuming, they have a good combination of drums, violins, guitars and electric guitar and a lot of talent! I do recommend!

Some important tips for you who is going there: (Estou com preguiça, qquer coisa vai no Google e traduz)

1 - The Parque Hotel das Flores is a very nice place, with a reasonable price (US$40 to US$60 a day) and a very nice chat with the owner (I don¿t know if she speaks English, but probably german :-))
2 - Pousada Europa has one of the best restaurants there - Great food in a great place, for a small price (with US$20 you can easily have a dinner for a couple)

Uma árvore com Klompen (parece que em holandês o plural não é só adicionar um "s". O Singular de tamancos é klomp)
A tree with Klompen (seems that in Netherlands the plural is not made just adding an "s". The singular is klomp)

Arrrghhhh Não consigo mais fazer isso! Tenho que colocar foto de comida aqui!!!
Arrrghhhh I can't do this any more! I have to post a picture of food!!!

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