Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Buenos Aires

That was my last working-hard-and-a-lot trip!
This time I was in Buenos Aires... such a lovely place, great people, huge culture and a great gastronomy!
For me this one of the best things about the trip and the picture that I wass about to put was from a "Bife de Chorizo" but someone would say that this is a "Foodaholic blog" so I decided to show the historical places... by now just a pic without a subtitle as I really can't remember the name of this building :-P (sorry)

Ps: An year already past and I fell just like were here. I'm sure you're better now and still helping me! Thanks Mané!
Um ano já passou e eu sinto como se vc estivesse por aqui. Tenho certeza que está melhor agora e que segue me ajudando. Valeu Mané!

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