Thursday, May 25, 2006

Nem vou me dar ao trabalho de escrever este post em português. Todos já devem estar cansados (como eu) desse papo todo.
Rumo a vida normal (se é que ela existe em Sampa) e em outubro, pense bem na "bobagem" que vai fazer!

Well, this post took me 2 weeks thinking about what should I do for a simple reason, I still believing that we live in a wonderful world (thanks mr Armstrong for your amazing voice!)... Yaeh, all right, of course I know that we have a lot to fix, so many problems and blah, blah, blah, but in here, at least, IN HERE, I tried to create a perfect place, showing the beauties of OUR home, the nice/funny/amazing/curious places that I had the opportunity to know and would like that you, my dear readers, had a chance to know also.
What I'm talking about? The huge mess that Sao Paulo became last week, mainly in 15/may/2006. Dozens of deaths, lots of burnet buses and the panic and caos in our biggest city.....

In fact, I don't want to write about it, but if you want to talk about this, leave a comment with your email and I can contact you about my impressions. All I want to say is that we're way better now and, surely, we will be back to the normal life (if you can call Sao Paulo lifestyle as normal) soon!

This is our situation now, police cars blocking part of the street

Ps: Agora a estatísitca do blog conta com a página de onde as pessoas vieram e o melhor até o momento foi de um cara que pesquisou no google "strip club en buenos aires" LOL
Ps: Now my blog statiscs are including the page where the people are comming, and the best one was someone who searched on google "strip club en buenos aires" LOL