Finados, como sempre um 2 de novembro triste.
Na verdade (e como vc deve saber, sou meio cético) eu tendo a não acreditar em coisas deste tipo mas, de verdade, deve haver algo mais neste dia já que, desde que me dei por gente, dia 2 de novembro é sempre assim... Cinza, chuvoso, triste...
Como um amigo disse "Como uma dia com este tipo de celebração pode ser feliz?"
Minha homenagem pública para todos aqueles que não mais estão entre nós, mas seguem em nossos pensamentos e corações.
Remembrance day, just another sad november 2nd, as always....
In fact (as you may know, I'm a kind of skeptic) I tend to not belieave in those things but, surely, there must be something about this day as, as far as I can remember, the november 2nd is always like this.... Gray, rainny, sad.....
As a coleague said, "How could a day with this celebration bould be a happy day? "
My (late) public homage everyone who is not among us anymore, but still in our toughs and hearts.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Remembrance day
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Holambra - Expoflora
Outro final de semana em Holambra mas desta vez estava na Expoflora.
Este é o evento mais importante da cidade e tenho que dizer, é uma ótima festa! É engraçado pq imaginei que, devido ao nome, flores e coisas afins estariam em todos os expositors MAS (e isso foi surpreendente) não ais que 10% da feira eram flores em exposição. Comida, muito dela, artesanato e até aqueles eltrônicos paraguaios eram vendidos lá, normalmente com algo referente a flores ou a Holanda.
Depois de 5 horas de danças holandesas, comida, música, comida and algumas compras um momento especial: "Chuva de pétalas" - tão bacana que esqueci de fotografar " :-P
Depois disso, show da família Lima... É estranho dizer mas eu gostei! SIM fizeram umas baita versões rock n'roll de músicas clássicas, e versões clássicas de rocks, além de clássicos clássicas - tudo muito bacana e bem humorado. Só estraga a parted as músicas próprias heheheh
Another weekend in Holambra but this time I was in the Expoflora.
This is the most important event for this town and I have to say that this is a really nice party! It's funny cause, due to its name, I'd say that the flowers and other "correlated" things would be in all expositors BUT (and that was a big surprise) not most than 10% of them were selling flowers. Food, a lot of it, handmade things and even those cheap-and-stupid electronic stuff were sold there, usually with something about flowers or Holland.
After 5 hours of Holland's dance, food, music, food and some shopping the special moment: "Petals rain" - a very interesting moment, so nice that I forgot to take a pic :-P
After that a "Lima's Family" show. They're quite famous in Brasil but I never liked them, maybe because they try to make the classical music more popular and some popular music more classical... well, The important thing is that I really liked the show! They're much more "rock n' roll" now having a drum all the time on the stage and doing great versions of classics... Resuming, they have a good combination of drums, violins, guitars and electric guitar and a lot of talent! I do recommend!
Some important tips for you who is going there: (Estou com preguiça, qquer coisa vai no Google e traduz)
1 - The Parque Hotel das Flores is a very nice place, with a reasonable price (US$40 to US$60 a day) and a very nice chat with the owner (I don¿t know if she speaks English, but probably german :-))
2 - Pousada Europa has one of the best restaurants there - Great food in a great place, for a small price (with US$20 you can easily have a dinner for a couple)
A tree with Klompen (seems that in Netherlands the plural is not made just adding an "s". The singular is klomp)
Arrrghhhh I can't do this any more! I have to post a picture of food!!!
Friday, September 1, 2006
"Ahh, não se preocupa! Eu sei o que tô fazêno e não tem perigo". (Acho que essa é uma top 10 entre as "Mais comuns últimas palavras")
Isso é o que ese cara provavelmente disse antes de começar a trabalhar... Mas pq estou preocupado? Só pq ele tá em cima de um andaime montando numa Kombi véia estacionada em uma calçada inclinada? Ohh, quase esqueci de mencionar que ele tá usando um maçarico.
"Hey, don't worry! I know what I'm doing and there is no risk". ( this is probably a top 10 among the "Most common last words")

Friday, August 4, 2006
Aqui vai uma dica pouco comum de viagem:
Holambra (Essa é a entrada da cidade, vai prá esquerda prá ver o resto (não tem muito prá ver))
Essa é uma cidadezinha no interior de São Paulo com um ambiente legal para quem gosta de paz, sussego, natureza e principalmente FLORES.
Tenho que dizer que, para mim, flores não estão entre os 10 assuntos que mais gosto (talvez não entre os 100) MAS como um cara comprometido tenho que, algumas vezes (e nesse caso, 'algumas vezes' significa SEMPRE! Cuidado solteiros!) seguir ordens da patroa... e desta vez foi um passeio por essa cidade.
Tá, o lugar não era só flores, gostei muito das tradições Holandesas/Alemãs - já que minha família tem influencias alemãs.
Ok, ok, vou falar a verdade! A arquitetura é legal, o lugar é bonito, mas o bom mesmo é a comida! LOL
Como sempre a comida! Um ótimo Kasseler com Chucrute no restaurante "The Old Dutch" :-)
Moving on!
Here goes an unusual travel tip: Holambra (From main city entrance, move to the left to see all the town (not much to see in fact))
This is a small town in Sao Paulo's countryside with a nice environment for people who likes nature, calm places and mainly - FLOWERS.
I have to say that, for me, flowers are not among my 10 first preferred subjects (maybe not among the first 100) BUT as a committed guy, sometimes (in this case, sometimes means ALL THE TIME! Be aware single guys!) I have to follow my girlfriend's direction. And this time was a quick trip to this place.
Ok, the place was not just flowers, and I enjoyed mainly the Holland/German traditions - as my family has some German influences.
Ok, ok, I'll tell the truth! The architecture is fine, the place is beautiful, but the best part was the food! LOL
As always the food. A great Kasseler with Sauerkraut in the Old Dutch restaurant :-)
Recommended! And, if you're a normal person, the plate serves 2 person.Parque Lindenhof
(Trying to not post another dish picture too soon)
(Tentando não postar foto de comida tão cedo)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Nem vou me dar ao trabalho de escrever este post em português. Todos já devem estar cansados (como eu) desse papo todo.
Rumo a vida normal (se é que ela existe em Sampa) e em outubro, pense bem na "bobagem" que vai fazer!
Well, this post took me 2 weeks thinking about what should I do for a simple reason, I still believing that we live in a wonderful world (thanks mr Armstrong for your amazing voice!)... Yaeh, all right, of course I know that we have a lot to fix, so many problems and blah, blah, blah, but in here, at least, IN HERE, I tried to create a perfect place, showing the beauties of OUR home, the nice/funny/amazing/curious places that I had the opportunity to know and would like that you, my dear readers, had a chance to know also.
What I'm talking about? The huge mess that Sao Paulo became last week, mainly in 15/may/2006. Dozens of deaths, lots of burnet buses and the panic and caos in our biggest city.....
In fact, I don't want to write about it, but if you want to talk about this, leave a comment with your email and I can contact you about my impressions. All I want to say is that we're way better now and, surely, we will be back to the normal life (if you can call Sao Paulo lifestyle as normal) soon!
Ps: Agora a estatísitca do blog conta com a página de onde as pessoas vieram e o melhor até o momento foi de um cara que pesquisou no google "strip club en buenos aires" LOL
Ps: Now my blog statiscs are including the page where the people are comming, and the best one was someone who searched on google "strip club en buenos aires" LOL
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
O Aeroporto internacional de São Paulo, oficialmente chamado de Aeroporto Internacional Governador André Franco Montoro, normalmente chamado de Aeroporto de guarulhos - pois está na cidade de Guarulhos - e com o apelido de Cumbica - pois foi construído sobre a área da fazenda Cumbica, o mesmo nome do bairro.
Não é um lugar interessante só um aeroporto comum com tudo que um aeroporto ao redor do mundo costuma ter mas algumas cenas só por aqui. Nunca vi cartazes e faixas (e estou falando de cartazes GRAAANDESSSS) prá alguém que está partindo em outros lugares.... tantas risadas e lágrimas, abraços, beijos e dezenas de "até logo".... Claro que vc sempre vê algumas demostrações afetivas e emotivas mas aqui elas parecem muito mais apaixonadas (e está palavra - apaixonada - foi a que um coreano amigo meu usou para descrever os brasileiros quando ele se deparou com os mesmos na copa de 2002) Claro que essa impressão toda pode ter sido motivada pelos meus sentimentos no momento :) Estava lá prá falar tchau prá ela.... Wow, ela está indo para Toronto passar 6 longos meses (ou talvez mais). Esse período não será fácil mas não se compara com minha felicidade vendo vc se dando tão bem rumo ao "Grande Norte".
Boa Sorte a todos nós! Vejo você no fim do ano Cibele! Se cuida e tenha uma boa estada por aí irmãzinha!
Sao Paulo's International Airport, officially called as Governor André Franco Montoro International Airport, usually called as Guarulho's Airport - as it is placed in the city of Guarulhos - and with the funny nickname Cumbica - the airport was built over a farm which was called Cumbica, the same name has all the district.
Not an intersting place, just a regular airport with all the same things that you have in all airports around the world but some scenes I just saw in here. Never saw banners and signs (I mean, BIG, HUUUGEE banners and signs) for someone leaving... so many laughts and tears, hugs, kisses, tons of goodbyes.... Of course you see some "emotive and affectional demonstrations" but in here they seems to be much more passionate (this word was used by a Korean friend to describe brazilians that we first met in 2002 worldcup) Of course that this could be motivated by my feelings at that moment :) I was there to see her off.... Wow, she will be in Toronto for long 6 months (or maybe, more). This tiem wil be hard, but nothing compared to the hapinness, seing that you're doing great in the "big north".
Good Luck to all of us! See ya by the end of the year! Take care and have a nice stay my dear sister.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Buenos Aires
That was my last working-hard-and-a-lot trip!
This time I was in Buenos Aires... such a lovely place, great people, huge culture and a great gastronomy!
For me this one of the best things about the trip and the picture that I wass about to put was from a "Bife de Chorizo" but someone would say that this is a "Foodaholic blog" so I decided to show the historical places... by now just a pic without a subtitle as I really can't remember the name of this building :-P (sorry)Ps: An year already past and I fell just like were here. I'm sure you're better now and still helping me! Thanks Mané!
Um ano já passou e eu sinto como se vc estivesse por aqui. Tenho certeza que está melhor agora e que segue me ajudando. Valeu Mané!
Carnaval na praia
Combo Post!
Guys, these days are being really busy! I have to study a lot of different topics and.... Well I promissed that this wouldn't be a nerd blog so I will not start talking about PMP, CMMI and other acronyms.
Maaannnn we had the Carnival in february and I didn't write a single line about it! Damn it! I'm a really bad blogger, I know but now goes some lines about it.
My manager defined in this way: "A period for the women go to the streets barely naked and to everyone do what we heard that we shouldn't do". " LOL
I think that this is the funniest definition that I've ever heard (and it's "almost" true), but talking seriously some interstingthing that I heard is about the common comparison to the Mardi Gras. Ok, both are similiar in essence BUT really ddifferent in scale - Mardi Gras is about hundreds and Brazilian carnival is about thousands, somethimes millions of people (like in Galo da Madrugada block). Well, the most important is that I had a 2 days and a half holidays plus a weekend at the beach! Almost a vacation :-P