The day after
Só prá mostrar como tava feia a coisa esse fim de semana, na foto meu tênis de corrida...
Acho que preciso comprar uns novos :)
Just to show how hard was this weekend, on this picture my running shoes...
I think I should buy a new one :)
Ps: Darina, here the gas is around CA$0,80/liter, almost the same that you have in Vancouver :(
Friday, July 23, 2004
The day after
Monday, July 19, 2004
Só mais um fim-de-semana chuvoso para *quase* todos os cara aqui, mas tudo é diferente quando vc tem um jipe!
Meu irmão pegou o carro no ultimo domingo para ir prá trilha e como eu tinha "lição de casa" preferi ficar.
Era +/- 2 da tarde quando o telefone tocou, meu irmào avisando que *TODOS* os jipes estavam quebrados. É, mudei meu nick no MSN pedindo ajuda e em 30 minutos um amigo encostou na porta de casacom o 4x4 dele.
Só prá encurtar, eu voltei prá casa as 2 da madrugada (eu acordo as 5) todo coberto de lama.
É isso, depois do jipe meus fds chuvosos nunca mais foram os mesmos.
Just another rainny weekend for *almost* all guys here, but everything is diferent when you have a Jeep!
My brother took the car on last sunday morning to go to a trail and as I had some home work, I prefered to stay at home.
Was around 2 pm when phone rang, my brother telling that *ALL* jeeps were broken. Yeap, I changed my MSN nickname, asking for help and 30 minutes late a friend frind was in front of my house with his 4wd car.
Just to be faster, I went back home at 2am today (yes, I usually wake up at 5 am) all covered with mud.
That's it, after the Jeep my rainy weekends were never the same.
No pictures today
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Filosofia de boteco
Oque é a real juventude?
Veja o cenário onde isso me veio:
Era mais ou menos meia-noite eu tava num buteco com um grande amigo, tomando cerveja and me divertindo. Ainda estavamos com o uniforme do futebol e ele estava até com a caneleira.
Nada especial se ele não tivesse 50 anos!
Naquela hora muito cara de 30, 40 estaria em casa, indo pr;a cama e ele tava lá, depois de um jogo de futebol tomando cerveja e contando piada, como um adolescente.
É isso que eu quero da minha vida, ser jovem tanto quanto possível... e me divertir!
Falando sobre isso, eu escolhi minha nova profissão! Vou ser mergulhador!!
Como que vou fazer grana com isso? Não sei ainda, mas isso será melhor que gastar uma manhã de sábado com "classes abstratas", "run time exceptions" e por aí vai...
In a philosofical moment on my last weekend this thought was on my mind:
Waht's the true youthness?
Take a look at the scenario where this thought came:
Was about mid-night and I was at a pub with a great friend, drinking beer and having some fun, we were dressing our soccer uniform, he was with his shin guard yet.
Not so special, if he wasn't 50 yo!
At that moment some guys with 30, 40 yo could be at home, going to bed, and he was there, after a soccer game drinking beer and telling jokes, like a teenager.
That's it what I want to my life, be youth as long as possible... and have fun!
Talking about that, I choose my new profession! I'll be a scuba diver!
How can I make money being a scuba diver? I'm not sure yet, but this will be probably better than spending a saturday morning with "abstract classes", "run time exceptions" and so on....
We were drinking this beer, my favorite